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AIS Safety and Policy Manuals

The new 2017 Policy, 2012 Safety, and 2013 FMLA Manuals as published are available here in PDF format. The printed edition is being systematically distributed to each employee.


There are four ways you can deliver the signed acknowledgement pages:

1.  Hand deliver to the HR office.

2.  Mail to the HR office in a separate envelope (do not mix in with other paperwork).

3.  Fax to the office at 717-764-3144.

4.  Complete electronically and email to


If you do not have the ability to print, sign, and rescan to allow emailing, you may attach both signature pages to an email from an account originating from your own home email system. Please note the subject of your email as: Policy and Safety Manual, then confirm your agreement via a statement in the body of the email, similar to the following example: "Please consider this email a signature acceptance of the 2017 Policy Manual and 2012 Safety Manual."

Again, send your email to

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